February 9 - 15, 2025
Upcoming Events
2025 International Chinese-Speaking Conference
For live conference:
Dates: February 14 - 16, 2025
Location: Anaheim, CA
For video conference:
Starting from Friday, February 14, to Lord’s Day, February 16 for all the Northern California churches.
The subject of this conference is “Chapters 5 through 8 of Romans the Kernel of the Bible.” We will watch a live webcast of the messages given in Anaheim, California, according to the schedule specified below, beginning on Friday evening, February 14. We plan to have breakout rooms for saints from different localities to prophesy after each message. We hope all the saints will sanctify this time to receive the Lord’s speaking and blend with saints from all over Northern California.
2025 ICSC (International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference) NorCal Video Conference Schedule:
Message 1, 7:30 PM Friday, February 14, 2025
Message 2, 9:00 AM Saturday, February 15, 2025
Message 3, 11:00 AM Saturday, February 15, 2025
Message 4, 7:30 PM Saturday, February 15, 2025
Message 5, 10:00 AM Lord’s Day, February 16, 2025 (the churches may have their own Lord’s table meeting before the live stream, e.g., from 9:30 to 10:00 AM)
Please take note of the following:
Zoom Information—The Zoom links for all messages are accessible at the NorCal churches webpage for this conference: https://www.norcalchurches.org/2025-icsc/
Languages—The different languages (English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, and Russian) will have separate Zoom links accessible from the conference webpage
Outlines—Outlines for the messages are also available at the conference webpage.
Joining Meetings—The messages will begin promptly at the designated start times. We recommend that the saints should join the meetings 10 minutes early (and latest, 5 minutes early) to allow time for prayer and instructions. When you have joined, please rename yourself according to the following convention:
Individual saints or small household groups: [Name(s)], [Locality]” example: “John and Sally Smith, San Francisco”
If you are joining for a group: “[Locality], [Number of saints]” example: “Burlingame, 14”
May the Lord bless the continued blending of the churches for the building up of the Body of Christ. Amen.
2025 Young People's Events
Please note the upcoming young people related events this year. This is so that they can set aside these times on their busy schedules to attend. More information will be forthcoming as each event approaches.
YP Spring Conference - March 28-30 - Fremont Springs Conference Center
6th Grade Conference - May 2-4 - Fremont Springs Conference Center
Summer School of the Truth - July 20-25 - Sonoma State University
Please continue to pray for our next generation. May all these events be a way for them to open to the Lord so that they can enjoy Him and experience Him in a way that allows the Divine Life within them to grow and advance.
The NorCal YP Coordination
2025 NorCal Senior Conference
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,
We are pleased to announce a Northern California seniors conference with Brother Minoru Chen, scheduled on March 1, Saturday. We warmly invite all senior saints (defined as age 55 and older) in Northern California churches to join us for this special gathering.
Meeting Schedule:
1st Meeting.......................... 10:00 AM
2nd Meeting......................... 11:30 AM
lunch:................................... 12:30 PM
3rd Meeting........................... 2:00 PM
All meetings will take place at the Fremont Springs Conference Center (FSCC), located at 47655 Warm Springs Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539. Translation services will be available in Chinese and Spanish.
Please use the following link to register, and remit $25 (per person) registration fee to your locality with a note of "seniors conference".
Seniors conference registration form
There is a special group rate of $99 plus tax at Hilton Garden Inn Fremont Milpitas, for those who would like to stay the night before the conference. Please make the reservation by February 22 using the following link
Hilton Garden Inn Fremont Milpitas
2025 Spring NorCal College Conference
Dear brothers,
We would like to invite all of the college students in Northern California and their serving ones to join us for the SPRING 2025 Northern California College Conference! The topic will be "Our Salvation to Fulfill God’s Eternal Purpose as Seen in the Book of Exodus (3)." Please read the below email carefully for all the details.
Date: February 21st to 22nd, 2025 (Friday to Saturday) **
** NOTE: There is no dinner provided the first night.
Start: Friday 7:30 PM (registration begins at 6:00 PM)
Ends: Saturday 3:30 PM (optional post-conference sports/activities)
Location: Fremont Springs Conference Center
Cost: The cost for this semester's conference is $90 per person (cost covers Saturday breakfast and lunch; hospitality/lodging can be provided for registrants with extended travel at no extra charge). Part-time (Saturday only) is $70 per person. Some of the localities are considering subsidizing to reduce the cost for the students. Each locality should decide according to their situation and the Lord's leading.
Each attendee should register via the following registration webpage:https://norcalcollegeconference.web.app/
A master spreadsheet will be sent to the locality coordinators to verify that their students are registered and help with room assignments later on. This process is very similar to the registration process for the last college conference.
The registration deadline is Lord's Day, February 9th. Any registrations or cancellations after February 9th will be charged a $15 fee. The final deadline is Lord’s Day, February 16th. No refunds will be given after February 16th (except due to illness or emergency).
High School Seniors: We also highly encourage high school seniors to join this conference as the local serving ones feel appropriate.
Here is our current list of those coordinating for the campus labor:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18SrKJ2TSgu53FwXXFYK6sG_P72Cj2mA1Ck-wRtVhQBI/edit?usp=sharing
Please contact Sampson Chan (sampsonhlc@gmail.com) if you want to add or change your locality's coordinator. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.
May the Lord bless this conference, and use it for furthering His move among the college students!
In Christ,
The Northern California player-coaches
2025 Corporate Pursuit Classes
To sign up, please use the following LINK
4th Term: Fridays between 03/7/2025 - 03/28/2025
Please Note: No classes will be offered on Wednesdays this term.
Each term consists of four weekly classes, all on Friday between 9:30am and 12:00pm:
Period 1 : 9:30 am - 10:30am
Break: 10:30am - 11:00am (snacks, coffee, tea to be served)
Period 2: 11:00am - 12:00 pm
Lunch: 12:00 pm
Language Options: Classes in English and Chinese
Location: Fremont Springs Conference Center (FSCC), 47655 Warm Springs Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539.
February 9 - 15, 2025
Truth Pursuit
Holy Word for Morning Revival (HWMR)
2024 October International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) - Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God.
Week 4: The Exercise of the Kingdom for the Building Up of the Church
2025 Standing Order for HWMR includes 7 HWMR books
Sign up Link ($35 cost)
Electronic version:
Life Study of First Peter
Message 1 - An Introductory Word
Message 2 - The Operation of the Triune God Upon the Elect for Their Participation in His Full Salvation
Refer to the Life Study website to access all Life Studies.
Become an excellent believer by visiting the 500 Life-studies website.
Bible Reading
First John 4:12 - Second John 1:3
(with footnotes)
Gospel Preaching
Las Positas College Gospel Preaching
In the past, saints has been going to the Las Postias College Campus to preach the gospel, and the Lord has blessed us with many new ones received the Lord and baptized. As the new Spring Semester is starting, we encourage the saints to sign up in spreading the word of God. Here is the sign up sheet:
Sign Up Form
Community Gospel Preaching
In addition to the college campus, we also need to preach the gospel to our neighbors, friends, and around us. Please include this in your prayers, for the brothers are still in prayer and fellowship in seeking the Lord's leading.
Weekly Meetings
For more details, please reference the Members' section HERE.
Saturday morning pray-reading, studying, reciting, and prophesying (PSRP)
Praying, reading, and studying the weekly HWMR Outline via Zoom:
Every Saturday, 8:00 - 9:00AM
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 990 681 425
Passcode: Jesus
Prayer Burdens
Pray for the preaching of the gospel
Pray for the caring of the new students we contacted from Las Positas College.
Pray for gospel preaching in the communities; in the parks, farmers markets, and libraries, etc.
Visit the LME website and click on "Information" at the top of the page to see the current prayer burdens for the Lord's move to Europe.
Visit the Amana Trust website for information about conferences and events in Europe.
French-speaking Europe
See the following letter for an invitation to shepherding trips to French-speaking Europe.
Beseech the Lord to supply all the saints who live in French-speaking Europe, and all who are there on “shepherding trips” for weeks or months, to labor diligent in ministering Christ to the seeking contacts so that these ones may grow in truth and life and be added to the church.
Beseech the Lord to thrust out more workers into this harvest and to release the long-term visas. For archived reports of the gospel and shepherding trips, click here.
Migration to nine European cities
A report on the nine target cities (Paris, Geneva, Brussels, Belfasst, Dublin, Vienna, Prague, Rome, and Athens) can be found at lme.org/reports.html.
Please pray for saints to migrate under the Head and in the Body to strengthen the Lord's testimony in these cities.
GTCA (Gospelize Truthize Churchize America)
Visit the official GTCA website for information and prayer burdens.